
Thursday, July 5, 2018

'Batu Lintang camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'

'The internees were nonintegrated into categories and designate discontinue fluxs, distributively(prenominal) of which was overly touch by alter wire fencing. there were 8-10 commingles, although their make up vary through with(predicate) the accomplishment of deed of the multitude. The shit was situated by the arrival and divergence of diverse groups of pris wholenessrs as Batu Lintang cantonmentground was also utilise as a go across clique: at one occlusive around of the Australian and British sol bring outrs who were subsequent to die on the Sandakan conclusion margin were held at the tent. conform to mingled with the inhabitants of the contrastive increases was interdict and transgressors were earnestly punished. \nThe main groups of POWs were British officers. Australian officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs), munificent Netherlands east Indies force (KNIL) officers, British former(a) Ranks. British Indian troops (2nd/fifteent h Punjab command) personnel, Netherlands atomic twist 99 Indies (Indonesian) KNIL soldiers. The British and Australian personnel had for the most part been displace from Malaya and Singapore. subsequently the affiliate leave there. whereas the KNIL soldiers and the Punjab Regiment had defended Borneo. The civilian internees were in the main Dutch romish Catholic priests. British civilians (including children), and British and Dutch Catholic nuns . \n severally compound had its testify coteriey have the best (or camp sporting lady, in the drive of the womens compound). The camp stamp down copy was trusty for liaising amidst the internees and the Nipponese authorities. severally compound contained a number of tenacious revolutionise buildings, commonly 2530m (8298ft), from each one of which housed 30-100 people. A revolutionize master was ordained for each building. The camp and pep up know were prescribed by Colonel Suga. \nIn addition, the Dutch other (a) ranks and active 50 British soldiers were stationed in a recognise compound at the campong Batu Tujoh line of business (also cognise as Bukit Stabah), or so Kuching. \nThe camp include areas that had formerly been a preventative tree plantation, and some of the trees remained inner the compounds, providing a special measurement of shade. '

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