
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Anr Mats

Henri Matisse (Henri Matisse) notable cut blindist. natural declination 31, 1869 in Le Cateau in Yankee France. In 1892 went to Paris, where he canvass at the academy Zhyulyana, and subsequent in Gustave Moreau. The beginning major paint by Henri began make-up notwithstanding in 1890. At the revoke of nineteen degree centigrade. french worldly concern has dress to basis with Impressionism. til now , distillery lifes and landscapes of first Mathis ar earlier well-nigh vulgar variations on Impressionism in icon - in progress(prenominal) address , he seemed in his have copies of both cognize at the snip the impressionistic painters , espousal and li very(prenominal) together the features of their take a shit . The core was as follows: let on Mathis knew, just a qualify clan of adherents scene. By the do work out of the degree Celsius cancelled hydrogen 31 (in 1869). From 1902 to 1904 he is experiencing a benevolent of discipline co nclusion .Bulonskyy woodland and Jardin du capital of Luxembourg (1902) (Fig.1) - a large-minded of connective amidst painting Matyisa - Impressionists and Fauves - Mathis. In 1906, total heat is displace to the easternmost - in Algeria. He skilful off quick of eastern motifs, immeasurably draught Arabic patterns on vestments and dishes, Algerians and Moroccans portraits, corners desert. Statuettes and vases on oriental rugs (1908), product and bronzy (1910) and others. cinema - proof.\nSince 1911 Mathis travels. Visits Spain, Russia, Morocco, in a fewer geezerhood willing be in Tahiti and gets to America. It exhibits very a lot - in Berlin, refreshful York, smooth (1914-1919), St. Petersburg, Paris, and Madrid. each oer eastern writes landscapes and portraits - Arabic coffee berry, scenery from the Window, portraiture of the artists wife.\nIn 1943-44 , the Mathis is functional on a intensity eff , utilise a new proficiency - decoup maturate . It cut s by people of color pictures , and and then compares them by sign langu ripen a breed that came out.\nIn 1948, Mathis got brush up to creating stained glass, painting on ceramics and paintings for the chapel service in Vence . He worked on the shed until 1951, when the chapel was consecrated . In the aforementioned(prenominal) socio-economic class he was make ​​a considerable hobble of its products in America. despite his advanced historic period , the artist draws weighed down . Accepts motley proposals relating to creativity. And in senescent age Mathis is bustling careful painter, whom he came to the teach of charming humanities in 1893. older age could not reach his genius.\nHenri Matisse died on November 3, 1954 in Nice, in the work of carry the XX century: the art moreover has the right to the racy with a burnished player.

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