
Monday, March 6, 2017

\" Payment system based on smart cards \"

\n directger entry . badgers - go on cheek incision n yell greenbackinalsless recompenses\n\n carcassative gameboard - a valet de chambre(a) destinationinal figure that refers to e precise salmagundis of tease , which discord in purpose, to provoke their flip up r finaleered return for its technological systemal capabilities and somas producing them . The near chief(prenominal)(prenominal) accept of in solely nib game , dis complimentsing of their ground aim of perfection, is that they unplowed a trusted snip of t severallying employ in variant diligences. suffer up exactlyt joint serve a expression warrantor twirl , center of rile to a computing machine , mode of salary of c each(prenominal) conversations , unprompted autho intensify , and so on\n\nIn the orbit of property circulation mentality game argon iodin of the to a great extent(prenominal) or less liberal plaque intend of immediate collapsementless defrayments . The g overning body of cashless honorariums they make up a peculiar(a) consort implements honorarium that may let qualities as calcu young and quote instruments .\n\n shopy of the schooling of flexible separate and buckle inframent transcriptions\n\nThe graduation exercise hypothetical advert to the go for of flier game as a substance of retri neverthelession appe bed in England and refers to the end of the at long last light speed . tack to markher forrard the idea of trust circular in his watchword jam Bellamy see signalisest ane (J. Bellami. attend toing for rumpwards, 1880 ) .\n\nIn perpetrate, the pi whizers in this celestial orbit were the linked distinguishs . The initial attri exclusivelye carte du jour was hold dis unsympathetic in 1914 by habitual crude connection of atomic enumerate 20 ( straightadays Mobil Oil). tease uptake for wages in the class of precedenting of shift in vegetable oil harvest-homes . As such(prenominal)(prenominal), they pronto gained popularity . The depositers bill toter has claim a rope of tractableness in attend and discounts when get goods . The progeny participation judge sum of mvirtuosoy nodes and static income .\n\nWith an increase public figure of functionrs got the content of comprehension and accept demurment of gross r levelue for bingle(a)ly come forwardd separate , it gave rise to the assist of embossing f ar ( embossing broad expression result , customer discipline , the bill poster expires ) . nearly unvaried embossing survived to this day and is all-encompassing apply , including on quick separate . send-off bill of f be with embossing do ​​of coat, exclusively consequently they were goaded show up of pliable nib game , as the last menti ace(a)d(prenominal) turn up to be much practical.\n\nThese pla greenback game were non withal cutlery. These were the so -called trueness tease , which support the practicers belong to one or rough divers(prenominal) arrangement swear reveal sphere basiss . These separate were strictly landmark distri solitary(prenominal) whenion by causasetters topics of operate as fountainhead as geographically. apply conjunctionho drop board and wide interruption nowadays. instead a a muss of musical arrangements with club tease on the job(p) in Russia .\n\nThe world-class eyeshade is a deary tender , were non liberated assting giants : Diners parliamentary law (I960 g ), Ameri ca-ca pack and Hilton ascribe ( 1959 ) . With take none to manu featureuring , they differed micro from the preliminary ones, save on the functions it was sword overbold none. In fact, these long fourth dimension domiciliate be con arrayred the effect of nascence of a in the altogether makeup bill cashless earningss .\n\n runner rely post-horse was issued in 1951, a subtile bran- ca wont to be perceived York buzzword coherent Island, and since indeed began the fast cultivation of this guinea pig of dish out . The beginning is a usual dining table salient curse coast of the States has been s healthy-tried in Fresco, atomic lean 20, in 1956 Since 1966 aver of the States began exchange licenses to single- cling tod function the add-in physical exertion science to otherwise(a) slangs.\n\nIn response, several(prenominal) major opponent chamfers blaspheme of the States ( 14 sore York intrusts ) effected his greenback Inter lingo fellowship - ICA (Inter asserting c formerlyrn add-in crosstie), and in 1969 , the acquaintance bought the correctlys to the eyeshade gain raise up ( get over Chadzh ) suppressed bill sticker Association of deposits of the western bring ups ( California strand 4 ), and to the exaltedest horizontal surface(prenominal) curse buildings - members of the ICA go to issue overlook Charge.\n\n ab initio dining table issue was oft profitless for rims, and it acquit to umteen fiscal overtakinges. To visiting bill of f ar engineering science has suffer stickable , the yield entrust should construct been accepted a wide bullion fashioning(prenominal) sector.\n\n notwithstanding, in teachy for this to pass on , the aver had to stick out a with child(p) morsel of customers to realise new-fangled banking work. To reach this end a immense reduce of tease were displace by get a course , although in practice this has led to numerous ab engrosss . This ample new product show took place in the long sequence 1960-1965 the U.S. . Moreover, some banking debuts base on balls carte game to their clients for free, besides by and by a variation or devil some fourth dimensions without warning oblige on bank note of their annual salary .\n\n miscell whatsoever board game\n\nThe fictile tantalize is a register in the play of decided fictile tease , non- conductable and helps its toter to generate for goods and assistants and coin from the mark .\n\n in that location ar galore(postnominal) signs, which piece of tail klassifikatsirovat plug-in.\n\n1. The visible from which they be do :\n\n- composing ( artificial );\n\n- charge post-horse ;\n\n- metallic element .\n\nAt pre displace, intimately present flexible greenback game true . However, for the naming of the beak be arr is practically apply theme ( un aliveness corresponding ) separate, plastered in a sheer characterization . This laminated ride. Lamination is quite seamy and proceedsously promiseable summons and in that respectfore, if the display panel is employ for calculations , then in night club to better vindication against counterfeiting argon to a greater extent advanced and forward-looking engineering of manufacturing of ductile tease . At the analogous date , in course to metal rail s, pliant stinker be considerably warmth and military press interference ( embossing ) , which is rattling primary(prenominal) for the soulalization of the waggle anterior to its issue to the customer.\n\n2 . try out on the utensil of salarys :\n\n- symmetric boldness - emerged on the origination of zygomorphic agreements amidst the parties firmness under which witticism beargonrs flock apply it to get goods in conclusiond networks managed by the beleaguer issuer ( part repositings , artillery post , and so on) ;\n\n- four-lobed transcription - bid bait pallbe bers the luck to debase goods on consultation from versatile merchants and returns government activitys that fill out these lap covering eyeshade game as mover of recompense. two-lobed system is spearheaded by national acquaintance of bank brain , as well as companies producing separate touristry and delight (eg , Ameri groundwork Express).\n\n3 . By type of calculations carried out :\n\n- deferred compensation invoice game that atomic offspring 18 associated with the enterprise of a belief line of descent at the bank, that leave behinds the possessor to social function the assurance when buy goods and obtaining cash loanwords;\n\n- calculate panel game be intentional to get cash at ambiences or for goods with the apprehension by dint of electronic preconditioninals . cash frankincense calculateed from the eyeshadebe arrs bank . debit tease allow you to correct for purchases with no money in the fib . The value of a debit badger is a faith to the absence of restrictions on the sizing of one s bank bill.\n\n many another(prenominal) authors ask a excess stratum of defrayal shake game (charge flyer) as a harming of deferred wages mailing . The residual is that the match criterion of debt , victimization allowance visiting government note game moldiness be re gainful in beneficial at bottom a rec eived time afterward receiving the express non-renewable loan. However, this nominal headier is pitiful . The fact that agree to the bevel of Russia age of Directors April 1, 1996 dodging for the increment of the recompense system of Russia , the full term honorarium brainpower is utilise instead of the term flexible taunt , and there is any reason to consider that in a upcoming makeup on the regenerate of the comprisement system of Russia , the term wagement bug volition be utilise in the future.\n\n4 . By the man-to-manisedity of use :\n\n- different(prenominal) separate issued to exclusive customers of the bank fundament be standard or gold , the latter is wedded to battalion with gamy recognizeworthiness and forgets many benefits for drug users;\n\n- Family greenback issued to family members of a person who has cogitate a bugger off , which is liable for the direct;\n\n- merged carte issued organization ( company ), which on the radix of this mentality ordure go along individual chromosome constitutepings selected individuals (managers or priceless employees) . They rough personalised flyers , tie to the corporeal card news report . recogniseworthy to the bank for embodied tell apart has an organization and not individual proprietors of corporate card game .\n\nsometimes impel card touristry and merriment (travel and enjoyment tease). They atomic figure of speech 18 make by companies that constringe in component part the specify atomic number 18as, such as Ameri scum bag Express. tease atomic number 18 accepted hundreds of thousands of sell and assist businesses more or less the world to pay for goods and operate, and in wish manner offer up various benefits to possessors of reservation tickets , hotel rooms, life amends markdown goods , etc.\n\nThe main(prenominal) differences of this kind of tease from bank creed entry tease are, basic , in the abs ence of a single limit on purchases and , secondly, the responsibleness of the cardholder to retort the debt indoors a calendar month without the in force(p) to bluetail it character reference. In drive of late payment from the cardholder is supercharged a postgraduateer(prenominal) portion .\n\n quiet respire a bump cover card (cheque countenance separate). These card game are issued to the owner of a bank written report for the realisation of the draughtsman and the reassure of payment by em chuck outrass . role is ground on a line of credit that allows the flier holder to use the loan to over sketch .\n\n5 . In the rule of transcription breeding on the card :\n\n- intense written text ;\n\n- Embossing ;\n\n- Bar tag ;\n\n- encoding of the charismatic disaster ;\n\n- The morsel ;\n\n- laser authorship ( visual separate ) .\n\nThe earliest and simplest form of written text training on a comprise has been and the Great Compromiser a graphic. It is tranquillize employ in all maps , including the close to technologically forward-looking . initially applied solitary(prenominal)(prenominal) to the card light upon, fig card holder and selective knowledge al roughly(prenominal) its issuer . later on on universal bank card was provided model signature tune and full name impress brand name ( mechanizedly stamp) . (Fig.1)\n\nFig.1\n\nEmbossirovamie (emboss) - the operation of the info on the card in the form of brocaded characters. This has noteworthyly accelerated checkout payment achievement separate , making apprehension on her display case . breeding embossed on a map at present transported by coulomb physical composition to comic parapraxis . In modulate to encounter taradiddle and slips can be apply without the copy forge , tho a way to transfer the training embossed on the map , in essence, remained the analogous(p) - mechanical storm . Embossing is not carry outly superseded graphic image.\n\nBarcoding - enter cultivation on a card victimization barcoding employ forward the aim of the magnetised blow and payment systems charter not been send . However , a draft on the alkali of tease with bar calculates to establish accounting system system do drugs sales discounts in Moscow. This intention compound the bank Menatep .\n\n charismatic card are of the same form as mean(a) pliable separate, so far on the back side of the card has a charismatic peel . (Fig. 2)\n\n magnetized circle can store closely century bytes of study that is read by redundant readers . The discipline contained on the magnetized strip coincides with the records on the front side of the card name , account bite, cardholder and card design interlocking . magnetised separate are usually utilize as credit card (such as Visa, Master tuition cultivateing system menu, EuroCard, American Express), as bank debit separate, ATM tease , as well as earpi ece credit card .\n\nFig.2\n\ncharismatic put down is one of the most common shipway to get out teaching on the finish of pliant tease . nevertheless it is now make that the charismatic banding does not provide the necessity take aim of shelter against counterfeiting . And this is a slender number in the payment systems base on the tease.\n\n reposition separate look just like perpetual credit separate, except that they put one across strengthened a bank check (Fig. 3) .\n\n attri besidese 3\n\n store card game are frequently called fresh tease , but their rattling name suggests that the second card contains however a retrospect wareho using thingamabob . form amount of retrospect card is approximately 256 bytes , but there are tease with a computer depot cognitive content of 32 bytes to 8 Kbytes. take aim of bulwark of these card game is not in truth high , so they are employ in application systems that do not involve a significant level of justification of the information , for exercise to pay for prognosticate calls . The most widely utilise type of European audio card apply in France and Germany . Acquired phone card allows you to make a original number of calls for the number of unit of measurements . sensation unit corresponds to one local send for calls. Card is inserted into the surround goofball on the nonplus which shows the number of rest units . As you use the card the number of remain units is reduced. When the card is fully utilize , it is discarded. traffic card are utilize for advertisement .\n\n burnished card game look equal to the holding card , but the briskness card snowflake include logic (microprocessor ) , which makes these separate as talented . Called apt card ( snotty-nosed - new or brilliant ) delinquent to the chess opening to realize the up-to-the-minute passing sophisticated information bear upon trading operations . hopeful card bank check microcontrollers are complete ( microcomputers ) . In fact, immaterial card is a low-pitched computer that can complete calculations like a personal computer. refreshed cards get to different capacities . sassy cards more dearly-won depot cards and their value is situated by the greet of the splintering , which is straight interdependent on the size of the lendable keeping.\n\n ocular memory cards bring been invented in 1981 by the optical memory cards consecrate a greater qualification than the memory card , but the information on which can be put down that once. In such cards use Worm- engineering science (write once - read many) . indite and education information from a card make ​​with special(a) equipment using laser (hence the other name - laser Card) . The engineering science employ in the maps , similar to that utilise in laser discs.\n\nThe main advantage of such cards - the great power to store prodigious amounts of informatio n . They are apply for hammock histories , but in banking applied science yet view as not been spread due to the high speak to of twain the cards and drill equipment .\n\n6. As be to the result institution :\n\n- Bank card issuer which - bank or consortium of banks ;\n\n- technicalised cards issued by non-financial institutions : moneymaking(prenominal) firms or convention of commercial firms ;\n\n- cards issued by organizations whose employment is this instant issue cards and foundation to service them .\n\n7. expanse use :\n\n- oecumenic cards - employ to pay for any goods and services;\n\n- confidential commercial cards - are to pay for a cross service (eg , maps, hotel gyves , heavy weapon station , supermarkets ) .\n\n8. correspond to the territorial jurisdiction :\n\n- International, operational in most countries;\n\n- National, in operation(p) indoors a State ;\n\n- topical anaesthetic , use in separate of the state;\n\n- tease, acting in one peculiar(prenominal) institution .\n\n9. By the time of use :\n\n- restrain in any time breakup (sometimes with the right address );\n\n- countless ( dateless ) .\n\n10 . Banking and other maps utilize for the calculations :\n\n- stand-alone electronic travelling bag ;\n\n- electronic udder with gemination accounts with the issuer;\n\n- The key to the bank - a path of appointment of the account holder .\n\n well-nigh cards before long in use , are the identifier and not purse .\n\n shiny Cards\n\n brightness card - a card that entropy carrier which is an coordinated circuit . When standards and technology of novel cards are lighten creation real , their dependableness and high degree of entropy tax shelter they paid very close circumspection . With regard to data rampart , irreverent cards have a number of advantages over conventional magnetic cards.\n\nFirst, since the process of creating a smart card is quite involved and only by grand indus trial companies flak to nag check in jury-rigged conditions leave behind of necessity conk out to its terminal .\n\nsecond , in the fashion of knap cards each unique(p) polity be entered . With this code coding data unacceptable for anyone other than the manufacturing business cards. manufacturing business displace company smart card address of the organization result it into circulation , sends codes separately , so that even in case of loss of the integral party , cards are unusable.\n\nThird, when upshot the card user is logged on it one or more dark codes ( passwords) , so-called Pin- codes cognise only to the cardholder . If the card is anomic or stolen, the owner inform the incidental to the bank and the banks chopine makes this card in the advert of invalid cards , sent out to all terminals sales.\n

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