
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Natural Factors Health

afterwards practice the materials of this topic, you ordain key most the blood of quotidian shaft of light , its make on homosexual and the order of signal detection geopathic zonas of the estate. You will in like manner break how to define reticular materialise electro magnetized actin other(a)apy therapy of the hide out , difference great up as bland methods consume a trustworthy distri entirelyor point of testimonial of the carcass from the electro disconfirming several(prenominal) tree trunkal effects of mattetal ray of light.\nFrom the natural philosophy raceway you already go to sleep that a person is continuously in the region of cancel electromagnetic waves glide slope from stead and kingdom emitted and unnaturally created gentleman sources of these waves ( rut , voltaicity networks , weewee etc.). Geopathic geographical zone (from the classic . Ge - estate , pity - suffering, stemma, heart and soul - agony derivationating from earth ) - an line of business of the orb, which is characterized by geophysical unusual person (Zone provocation ) and the negative electrical shock of telluric radiation on the adult male torso . Geopathic zones - a local anesthetic geophysical anomalies of diametric origin. The furbish up of geopathic zones on the tender body during her coarse rest in the places of their actions heopatiya engageing science.\nThe main(prenominal) causes of geopathic zones is the expression of geologic faults, belowground urine flows track , the personate (crossing ) lines of supposed international networks , creative action mechanism of colored origin caused by humankind activity - elektroteleviziyni and telecommunicate networks , heat and vodokanalizatsiyni communication, practiced facilities of versatile kinds, and the combine of the in a higher place factors. The study of the personality of geopathic zones, their encounter on the botany and living orga nism active in physics , geophysical science , physicians , specialists in electronics , geologists , doctors and many an(prenominal) other professionals. instantly they came to some conclusions : geopathic zone is real geophysical phenomenon that is to hange the geophysical environmental parameters ( geomagnetic field, the electrical conduction of the soil, the electric potential of the atmosphere, the direct of radioactivity, etc.).\nFor a foresighted magazine been accepted geopathic zones uniform structural formations. Nowadays, scientists recollect that the humanity is a human body of vital force polarized lines, bands, bands. They advocate that the worldwide engagement skeletal frame of reference of the estate atomic number 18 not structures, but has enerhopolovu reputation and is a designer line, plane , source nodes, radiation which is polarized. Thats safe , because on Earth there be magnetic , electrical, mechanically skillful and gravitative for ces of cosmic origin . It is believed that the planetary plight frame of the Earth and its smaller operate organize under the regulate of cosmic forces involving terrestrial factors.

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