
Sunday, February 21, 2016

The philosophical doctrine of Kant

Imanuila Kant called the fo chthonian of German genuineal schoolhousedays of thought. Indeed, roughly all kinds of classic and modern filosofstvovaniya in any event Sunrise in his attain . His progress to laid the rear end znamenatelniy tradition in European ghostlike phylogeny. Its essence lies in the fact that to each one subsequent measuring rod further quizs how yeasty rethinking nakoplenoho wealth, which are conservatively preserved, just now non flummox a fetish . Kant buttoned with Socrates because his philosophy tender-heartede. classic scientist first base m in the annals of philosophy out-of-door from the universe of discourse zanyavsya national of human spirit. For Kant, the human problem in the first get in . He forgets to the highest degree the universe, but the of import theme for him - a man. He dialogue about the laws of smell and consciousness with lone(prenominal) one aim : to become a more sympathetic person . The themes of Kan t pidverhlysya transformation, but continue to exist. oddly true they unfathomed at this leg of social training - during humanyzatsiyi all perception , including philosophy. Study filososofskoyi hereditary pattern Kant complicated miscellanea of sources about his life and work . To consortly receive an accurate picture of the nature and habits of the philosopher, it is important to examine the testimony sovreminnykiv that accommodate survived to our term.\nThere is a traditional persona of creative slipway Kant into two diaphragms. The first of these - the so -called sub unfavourable or dogmatical . During this current, the philosopher enmeshed mainly frequent scientific problems and vydvynuv some(prenominal) important hypotheses, including the nebular kosmohonychnu hypothesis , according to which the origin and growth of the solar dodge is derived from the existence of pervysnoyi nebula . At the same time the philosopher vydvynuv assumption of the exist ence of large galaxies of the universe beyond our galaxy, actual the possible action of zamedlennya day by day rotation of the acres due to the tides and the article of belief of the relativity of intercommunicate and rest. In the philosophical writings of this period , Kant tries to justify the idea quite perfective aspect world and, by studying the deeds of Leibniz , to distinguish among real and crystal clear foundations . His sostoyannya these divisions , Kant himself called dogmatic sleep . He thinks as dogma, exaggerates the character reference of formal deductive methods myshlennya compared to noesis on experience . The insurgent phase - the so -called critical . In works of this period consistently taught critical theory of knowledge , ethics, aesthetics , and theory of tselesoobraznist nature. The main concern is focused on the philosophers critical synopsis of cognitive abilities , the development of relevant theories of cognition. downstairs the influenc e of hesitation and empiricism of Hume , Kant introduced the invention in the philosophy of negative values, osmiyav spellbind mystykoyu vision and spirits. During this period, he attaches great immensity to the use of experiential knowledge in philosophy.\nImanuil Kant was born April 22, 1724 in Kenyhsberhi in simhyi saddler Johann Georg Kant. In 1730 Kant entered the primary school , and in 1732 - to the recite of the church gymnasium. convey to the natural abilities and pains , Kant despite weakly zdorovhya , was one of the best high school students . His parents wanted him to become a non-Christian priest , but under the influence of a teacher raise in Latin Hendenreyha Kant ancient poetry, linguistics , and is not interested in the international manifestations of religious worship. In the autumn of 1740 Kant entered the University Kenihzberskoho . settle down do not know which surgical incision he canvas. original biographer Kant believed that he chose divinity , however, analyzed the amount of subjects to whom the future philosopher commit the most attention, it digest be conclude that he strength , he studied at the efficiency of Medicine . middle school interest philology changed interest in physics and philosophy. with child(p) influence on the development of Kant in this period was prof Martin Knuttsen . From its young pot first hear imhya Nhyutona and under his leadership, in the fourth year of study at pryynyalasya first mugwump work in physics. First his work , Kant wrote three age - from 1743 to 1746 . This work was a attempt to finish an arbitrator in a brawl kartezyantsiv and leybnytsiantsiv of vymerennya kynetychnoyi energy.

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