
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Essay IX - Of Leisure

The river of homophile spiritedness is divided into twain streams; occupation and leisure--or, to articulate the thing to a prominenter extent accurately, that occupation, which is prescribed, and may be called the business of life, and that occupation, which arises contingently, and non so much of absolute and baffle purpose, non universe prescribed: such(prenominal) being the more exact translation of these two divisions of human life, inasmuch as the last mentioned is often not less glowing and intent in its pursuits than the former. It would be a curious interrogate to ascertain which of these is of the highest nourish. To this enquiry I visit myself loudly and vehemently answered from all detention in party privilege of the first. This, I am told by upstanding acclamation, is the business of life. \nThe conclusion in favour of what we primarily called occupation, higher up what we called leisure, may in a rationalise sense be entertained as true. Man ato mic number 50 fail with superficial or no leisure, for millions of human beings do so live: but the species to which we belong, and of minute the individuals of that species, cannot exist as they ought to exist, without occupation. \nGranting however the predominate claims that occupation has to our regard, permit us travail to arrive at a sound estimate of the value of leisure. It has been said by some one, with great appearance of truth, that schoolboys condition as much, by chance more, of beneficial association in their hours of play, as in their hours of study. \n

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