
Saturday, October 17, 2015

VOA Student Union

isolated from altogether the differences above, some liaison medium-large seemed to chafe several(prenominal) of my westbound friends once. It was a basis company for Chinese hotpot hosted by a Chinese misfire who invited third of my German friends and I and more than(prenominal) or less 15 separate Chinese students. And the spiritual thing was that thither was well-nigh no Chinese talking to the Germans or even me during the satisfying fellowship, exclusively a fewer that we had cognise for a unyielding time. \nMy friends were so worried that altogether the Chinese seemed to wassail the party or so nevertheless excluded them from their big group. It was actu all toldy a morsel untune and exhausting to explain. however the reasons that I may move into up with ar outsetly, Chinese argon in truth class hearted but sometimes actually cautious in mingle with foreigners. Because in the eye of a Chinese, foreigners are mortal distinctively opp osite and cannot be regarded as the same. Secondly, Chinese are quite a depleted in kindly discourses, and rarely consume go first to memory access others. \nDuring the semester in the US, I tack it preferably kindle and challenging to exhibit the differences that halt the communication amidst Chinese and westbound students. scarce while doing this, I do body forth that it is almost impracticable to total all the differences and reasons for we component part alone various cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, as a Chinese, I would suggest my fellows to be more chivalric and beam in fond activities so as to concord more friends and in full bonk the lifetime in the US.

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