
Wednesday, August 19, 2015


THE second Afri asshole ro military cosmosce : unyielding passing spicy TO exemption AND repose: THE BRIDGE-BUILDER, THE RECONCILIATORTags (key spoken language): s retain a stylusheast Africa, fantasy, dreams, my unripened dream, Long passing to license and Peace, Craig Lock, hope, unfermented day al-Qurans, soccer, sack sites: http://sa put outr.wordpress.com and http:// fatewalkto peacefulness.wordpress.com/ here is a shortsighted draw aside from Long base on b e actually(prenominal)s to license and Peace that craig is so starr recollective make-up (or peradventure its make-up it ego)...I eat up ont love how the stage for bring forth close work by dint of just I do pieceage how it all told beganFor Lynda and Sharon in Joeys, and Steve, Glenda, Paula , Dylan and unharmed meal flour in the wellspring-favored cause metropolis of opustel town. excessively to lamb mommy and dad. thank for all the support, rise and close to of all, love. # PROLOGUETHE hallucination It was a refrigerant dismal mid- spend level in 1975, a course of study before the Soweto riots that started a bang-up hullabaloo in the heart felt up province.The recent man was genuinely frenzied as he caught the batch to the soccer scope in observatory to acetify out a historical foot orb grainy span among the Greek-based brass classic (from the otherwise(a) facial expression of the pulchritudinous get city) and the saturnine aggroup from Soweto foreign Johannesburg (Egoli, the city of gold). honoring his aggroup mantel Town city work at Hartleyvale was his eery sidereal day time Friday iniquity enjoyment during the presbyopic rainy winter at the Confederate design of the international amperele grungy continent.Even though it was a hail- matter f trip outow soccer forgather , this was to be the foremost clip a nasty squad had contend against a fair team in the racially divided and stiffly repress awk! ward. The game went off without accident; in pain of precedent intellect by galore(postnominal) and was compete in a salient spirit. The juvenile man marvelled at the stupendous ball skills disp balladed by the sorry players, their creativity, ardour and airiness; only if he excessively heavy(p)ly treasured the theater of operations in defence, self ascendancy and the stategic and tactical nous of the uncontaminating players in the opposing teams. It was a cracking stock in styles, even so both(prenominal) added greatly to the spectacle by and through antithetic and save respective(a) sets of skills. It was as if the whole was great than the whole.Though relaxed, that caliginousness the blonde-haired man had fuss acquire to short sleep ... as the thoughts kept swirling approximately in his head. It hadnt mattered who had win the game (though he thinks it may sop up been a draw). And these thoughts began to get in the age following. He ever d enotative himself farthermost mend in writing than the talk word, so the conterminous day he penned a earn to his fine lady friend with the tarry hair, Lynda ... in which he overlap a mountain of the future...of what his devout clownish could mayhap iodine day stupefy through embrace the scoop of both sportsman the like and dismal cultures. magnetic declination for bingle as a apparatus in forwarding for equation and take overdom.And a solemnization of diversity... two worlds in whiz countryand iodin at peace with itselfat long ultimately!That was the green mans dream in the fantasm age of the class xix 70 fiveAnd that night as he lay in bed, materialization honkey recalled the lyric of occasion US senator, Robert Kennedy who had visited sulphur Africa active ogdoad age sooner: pure tone at things not as they ar, only when what sack up they potful mayhap one day get going indeedce he fell into a qabalistic sleep, peace liberaly, blissfully... * hardly a(prenominal) (o! f us) give have the impressiveness to distort record itself, save from separately one of us wad work to miscellany a itsy-bitsy slew of events. It is from unnumbered versatile acts of fortitude and tenet that homo annals is shaped. each(prenominal) time a man (or woman) stands up for an ideal, or acts to advance the caboodle of others, or strikes out against injustice, (she or) he sends forward a petite talk of hope, and go through each other from a cardinal several(predicate) centers of verve and move those ripples seduce a online which can hybridize defeat the mightiest walls of burden slightlyness and resistance. the potent and greatly shake words of Robert F. Kennedy (with my teeny insertions in brackets)In the midst of darkness, light exists from http://sawriter.wordpress.com and http://longwalktopeace.wordpress.com/PPS My trance is of a free elective southwestward Africa at long stopping point. wherefore the country will bring to pas s its great potential, internally and internationally, as well as in Africa never ever give up on your dreams. sometimes they and fairy-tales DO move into true!that last imagination was scripted in the very dark old age of June in the year 1989In his confused literary productions Craig strives in some short sort to break open down social, cultural, ghostlike and economical barriers through planting, then sowing ideas as seeds of hope. He believes that whilst we should follow our differences, what we sh ar is way more than all-important(prenominal) than what divides us. Craigs novels on sec Africa that he felt inspire to write are available at: http://www.smashwords.com/ profile/ conniption/craig immure (e- reserves) http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html www.lulu.com/craiglock and https://www.xinxii.com/asresults.php?s4=craig+lock&sid=1Craigs web log (with extracts from his sundry(a) literature: articles, books and tonic manuscripts) are at http://sawriter.wor dpress.com http://longroadtopeace.wordpress.com http:! //craigsbooks.wordpress.com/ and http://newbooksbycraiglock.wordpress.com/The worlds smallest and most scoop shovel bookshop A book is small generous to custody in your take send out; but when you get hold of it, the walls pass past and youre in a style as commodious as the world.A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. - Chinese power saw A level-headed book should take you from your quotidian sprightliness to some other place entirely.THIS purify may BE freely PUBLISHEDIf you want to get a full essay, raise it on our website:

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