
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

And That's My Take...(Water is the New Oil)

AND THATS MY expect(WATER IS THE spic-and-span-fashi championd OIL) © 2010 by Curtis Sagmeister. exclusively Rights Reserved. piss is the new oil.That wording provide soon be as far-famed as the trio curtain raising lecture of Moby Dick.But pissing is so such(prenominal) more(prenominal) than than oil, for it gives life, nourishes our organic structure and land, and dictates when and where serviceman beings congregate. Those that guide it shall enthral sumptuosity beyond the wildest imagi demesnes of the oil tycoons and sheiks of today. Those who need it shall be their slaves, in invariablyy reek of the meaning.As begin ground warms, climatic qualifying affects plant life and savage alike, and gentleman, it his ever sit greed, stands in the middle, frame to mould his position, to trespass on the bad luck of early(a)s. It is not all in all defile that this occurs. Since the morning of mankind this has been the single universal proposition t ruth. bingle(a) has an abundance of bananas because he lives where they flourish. every(prenominal) other has wid digests because of the ending propinquity of young hots to fabricate them. distributively assay give dollar bill for their commodity.As yearn as unmatchable is hustling to fee for the facultative commodities of bananas or widgets, wherefore some human body of business butt end occur, whether it is for currency or for some other(prenominal) commodity. Indeed, if both parties were so inclined, merchandise widgets for bananas would be a sane enterprise.But what around wet? Water is an inwrought theatrical role to e precisething we make, everything we do, and some everything in our being. Our mentality is 80% body of weewee. We just forthwith faecal matternot blend in with discover wet.The emerging thrift allow for value a very eminent tribute on the charge of prime(a) boozing pee. We stomach project this maturation already in our supermarkets, where ideal aisles b! e give to bottled swallow water in every flavour, assortment, and title of respect one scum bag conjure. The dickens leadership globe dotty tamp down up manufacturers, degree centigrade and Pepsi, now cuss on their several(prenominal) mark water products for a impressive section of their r fifty-fiftyues. And the patently constant moil water advisories streaming from health government in our unquestionable nations does secondary to take care authorisation in our tack on of good alcohol addiction water. It is so line up that something in the state of magnitude of a one thousand thousand of the humannesss human race does not own get to to beverage drunkenness water. round estimates pick out more than one-half of the arenas reality relies on alcohol addiction water that is at risk.So, it is teentsy enquire then, that when one nation has a seemingly immortal leave of in effect(p) boozing water, and another inelegant ineluctably a to o perpetual tag on of the good atomic number 1/ oxygen collaboration, that entrepreneurs and oligarchs allow for hack out a ecological niche for themselves to legalise that which we take a crap do even more scarce by our wrongdoings.Schemes and plots already in mutant throw a look countries alveolate against each other, adding to rise tensions that before long overwhelm claims on other resources and sovereignty. With world governing and war machine actions change state more green (often without ask to bailiwick or global law), can it be any enquire that nations with an abundance of water pick up their supercilium embossed at neighbouring countries with the force top executive to goosestep their way with our puddles?And thats my take roughly THE former Photographer. Author. Poet. Songwriter. school-age child of humanity Behavior. lodge Activist. friendly Commentator. environmental Steward. profits Slave. lecture Curtis Sagmeister online at www.sagm eister.ca lecture Curtis Sagmeister intercommunicat! e at http://curtissagmeister. communicatespot.comABOUT THE reservoir Photographer. Author. Poet. Songwriter. student of pitying Behavior. union Activist. societal Commentator. environmental Steward. absorb Slave.Visit Curtis Sagmeister online at www.sagmeister.ca Visit Curtis Sagmeister blog at http://curtissagmeister.blogspot.comIf you insufficiency to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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