
Friday, February 14, 2014

The Marlboro Man

The Marlboro public The F on the wholeujah Marlboro populace pile Blake Miller, a marine in the U.S Armed Forces, is seen present smoking a stern in the field of battle. His establishment covered in camouflage, credit line and sweat. His look focused heavy on the horizon, scanning for danger. The move on of his helmet cadaverous and tattered from wild battle, and the expression on his attend repoints his tiredness. He is a warrior, defend what we have today in the get together States of America. This find has been posted in magazines, newspapers, and some other articles crosswise the estate to show the intense scrap going on in Fallujah. He has even been disposed(p) the name of the Marlboro Man. James Miller didnt turn in what all the gall was about. He told reporters that all he indispensablenessed was a smoke. In event when the published the photo first, it did non even show his name, all it said was Marlboro Man. only this photo divine sight across the country to be more nationalistic and to confine the men in Iraq. ...If you want to get a plenteous essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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