
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Standing Waves Lab Report

Physics 1408 Section E1 Standing Waves in a Vibrating fit out Callie K componentner in crime: Miguel E escort Performed: March 20, 2012 TA: Raziyeh Y Abstract This lab had two purposes. The first base was to determine the relationship in the midst of the length of a stretched telegram and the frequencies at which vibrancy occurs. The southward was to study the relationship between the relative frequency of oscillation and the melodic phrase and running(a) dope absorption of the wire. In the first part we shew the resonance, frequency and wavelength of a wire and used this selective information to calculate the speed of the travelling waves. For first likable, our wavelength was 1.200 m, effect by the formula ?=2L/n. In the second part we used stress and velocity to find majority slow-wittedness. For the first notch, with a tensity of 10.3 N, the velocity was 86 m/s with a boilers suit mass density of 0.018. Discussion In the lab we valued to find the frequency at which resonance occurs on a stretched wire as well as look at the relationship between the frequency of vibration and tension and linear mass density of the wire. For the first procedure, we increase the frequency until we found resonance, and recorded frequencies and nodes to calculate wavelength. We did this for first conformable through quaternate harmonic, and then found the velocities employ our measurements. In the first harmonic phase, our signal generated frequency was 36±1 Hz, wire frequency was 72 Hz, the number of nodes was 2 and the wavelength was 1.200 m. This was found by use the equation ?=2L/n. For the second procedure, using a wire of a certain linear mass density we found the frequency of the wire as it oscillated in its perfect mode, or concluding resonance mode, as we increased the tension by mournful the hanging mass to a higher(prenominal) notch. We performed this procedure again using a wire with a different linear mass den sity.If you want to get a full essay, order ! it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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