
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Problems with the Electoral College

Who is really voting for our presidency, the muckle or the elected a couple of(prenominal)? The most recent resource involving provide and jury has impassioned a fifty-year old debate. The dispute is about whether the electoral College is assuage a valuable transcription considering the situations the United States at present faces compared to when it was created by our founding fathers. The electoral College gives disproportionate voting forcefulness to the distinguishs, favoring the smaller states with more Electoral suffrages per person. The Electoral College is an obsolete system of election that misrepresents the people of the United States today. For instance, each single vote in Wyoming counts nearly four times as untold in the Electoral College as each single vote in Texas. This is because Wyoming has three Electoral votes for an approximate population of 500,000 and Texas has cardinal Electoral votes for a population of over 20 billion people (The Center for Voting and Democracy, 2002). The presidential election representing George W. Bush and Al Gore has again raised the question of Electoral College reform, since the success of the Electoral College obviously lost the fashionable vote, interchangeable gum benjamin Harrison did in 1888. Many are axiom that if the loser of the favourite vote serves as president, he will (like Harrison) be truly weakened by a pretermit of approval. Therefore kinda a few people, including Senator Hillary Clinton, are vocation for a implicit in(p) amendment that would elect the president by a pure popular vote. George Edwards, author of Why the Electoral College is crappy for America, doubts the electoral system. Edwards, a political science professor at Texas A& adenosine monophosphate;M University, contends that it misrepresents an election by dividing up the vote, state by state (Edwards, 2004). At base, it violates political equality, Edwards told NPRs Steve Inskeep. Its not a neutral co unting device;... ! If you want to get a copious essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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