
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How gangs are portrayed in the media

Gangs ar portrayed on TV and in the icons as if they are tot all(prenominal)y evil, but in reality in that location are more positive aspects that are non acquaintn. The media notwithstanding appearings packs involved with drugs and the violence, and as a result the media has panic-stricken galore(postnominal) people into believing that gangs will take over our cities if we do not stop them. The movie change and the TV salute the Statesn Justice overwhelmingly portrays gangs as bad. The movie colorise displays the bad things in gangs like how easy it could be to tote up to lether a gang and to distribute the drugs for them. This movie portrays the working(a) of a gang in California.. The movie also showed how the aged(a) gang members got the younger members to go out and sell the drugs for them. The whim lowlife this was that if the younger person was to get caught there would be a lesser chance that they would rat on the principal(prenominal) principal and they would get a lesser punishment, as juveniles. In the movie they always show you the split of the gangs running from the police force or doing something bad like the drugs and violence. What the movie does not show you how the gangs contributed to the companionship or if they did where is it then. The movie was based on the incident that gangs are bad and that is how they showed it. A TV program called America Justice, talks slightly the gangs negatively. They just show the bad parts of being in gang. In an query they had with a causation gang member, and all they seem to ask him was questions on the embezzled aspects of the gang. The person doing the interview asked him how his gang got the younger kids to sell... If you want to get a secure essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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