
Sunday, February 9, 2014

How does Baz Luhrman reveal Shakespeare to a modern audience? Consider the effectiveness in the opening of the film "Romeo and Juliet"

Baz Luhrman reveals Shakespe be to a modern audience by pickings the fender script and setting it in modern daytime quantify and setting. Through this he shows us that the morals of Shakespe ars plays argon ease true for us and he relates them to situations we atomic number 18 apply to. He also achieves his purpose by film techniques much(prenominal) as music and sound effects, camera angles, props, costumes and actors. The first affair we visualize in the film depicts the scene of the bitter disceptation among the Capulets and the Montagues. We see the two large, rivalling towers next to severally other evoke the balance of power and friction between them. This is also shown by the newspaper article in which we see with the pictures of distributively theatre shown on opposite pages. We then are shown how serious the demarcation can be in the prologue, Ancient Grudge, and, gravelly Mutiny (both backed up by newspaper headlines.) We are then shown images of destruc tion which the feud has caused. We are then introduced to the boys of each superpower. They are shown to be very contrasting, the Montague boys are portrayed as ignorant thugs who act tough but play soft. This is shown by their unbuttoned shirts and generally careless attitude. They are naturally lacking(p) to the Capulet boys, for employment the Montague bites his thumb at the Capulets and then tries to run away, seek to gain back the insult when threatened. However Luhrman then introduces us to Capulets who are very different. Immediately they are shown as tough, well-nigh mafia-like. This is do by their dark clothes that are cover in metal which symbolises armour, they are characterised by their tough, jagged appearance. Everything about them shows us that they mean business. They are also shown as superordinate by the... Perhaps you should write in third person as it sounds more pro fessional and unbiased however besides that ! your on a roll keep up the good go in at! If you want to get a full essay, battle array it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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