
Monday, February 10, 2014

"I'm A Fool" by Sherwood Anderson

Im A Fool by Sherwood Anderson takes the ref into the mind of a lying, ambivalent, un meliorate and somewhat foolish youth. It is a story of a foolish incident in which he prevarications to a fair girl in attempt to win her revel. His plan backfires when he realizes that she wants him for who he is, not the imaginary character whom he claimed himself-importance to be. The forrader in Im A Fool, deals with the consequences associated with dish atomic come up 53sty and deceitfulness, and he is able to effectively reveal this theme with the do of dramatic irony. The vote counter believes that stealing, swearing, pull outting drunk, and bandaging horses is of far greater importance than a high school fleece or university degree. Anderson is implementing irony because what the bank clerk says is not what the reader gets to be true; the reader knows that these skills be of little or no importance in our society. some other slip of irony is when the storyteller believes the whiskey and the well-dressed dandy caused him to lie to Lucy Wesson. We know, however, that the vote counter lied in fear of rejection. One aspect of Im A Fool is its incorrect grammar and simple, unexpressive and reoccurring descriptive words. The story is squeeze with simple adverbs and injections that ar used to describe the narrators emotions such as Gee whizz!, Peachy, and gay. The primitive vocabulary in some slipway prevent the reader from receiving an accurate portrayal emotion then making the reader guess what the narrator is feeling in certain situations. For instance, Gee whizz! is used to describe quad seemingly different emotions: enjoyment (paragraph 8), amazement (paragraph 10), regret (paragraph 38), and fuck (paragraph 55). Th unsmoothout the story, we see the narrator existence deceptive and purchasable to others and him self on several occasions. For instance, he shows resentment towards the educated claiming that they dont know nothing at all, ho wever he presents us with a new perspective ! towards the educated saying that There are some... that are all right. His ambivalent attitude is emphasized when he expresses appreciativeness towards his mother for teaching him not be noisy and rough like a gang you see around a turn tail track. If he was thankful for the morals that he was taught by his mother, one might wonder why he disobeyed his mother and became a swipe in the first place. The narrator dealt with his emotions in an childish way. Dealing with the self-disappointment resulting from his dishonesty towards Lucy Wesson, he convinces himself that he is worthless and worthless of his job. Tragically, the narrator does not learn from his consequences. close of us know that being dishonest towards other lot is wrong and carries a consequence, insofar we may deceive ourselves without realizing it. We should take care that before we can be truthful to others, we must be truthful to ourselves. If you want to get a full essay , piece it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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